Statutes of the association "Skate Park Coperto Vanja"
Art. 1. In adopting the denomination “Skatepark Coperto Vanja” a sports association was founded that is defined by the following statutes and article 60 and following of the Swiss civil code.
Art. 2. The association is non-denominational, politically neutral and has the object to create an indoor skate park, as well as to develop and to disseminate a disciplined and fair approach towards sport in general among adolescents of our region.
Art. 3. The association’s domicile is the same as that of its president.
Art. 4 Everyone who pays the annual membership fee may become a member of the association. Minors need the written consent of the parents.
Active membership
Art. 5. For members who practise the sport the membership fee amounts to CHF 195.- per year
Passive membership
Art. 6 For physical and juridical persons, who do not practise the sport themselves, but have a close relationship to the association, the membership fee amounts to CHF 50.- per year
Art. 7. Active and passive members commit themselves to pay the annual membership fee agreed by the association’s assembly.
Art. 8. Members who pay the annual admission fee and have completed their 16th year of birth, are allowed to vote in the association’s assembly.
Membership ceases
Art. 9. The right to be a member of the association ceases for the non-payment of dues, or by written resignation notifying the Committee by registered letter at least one month before the intended resignation; as well as by exclusion decided by the association’s Committee.
Art. 10. The resignation will be accepted, whenever the member in question has paid his or her financial dues and has complied with all other obligations required by the association.
Art. 11. Members of the Committee have to notify the same Committee in written form explaining their motives. The resignation has to be agreed to by the association’s assembly.
Mode of conduct
Art. 12. Each member of the association has to behave in an appropriate, sporting and fair manner during their activities.
Honorary members
Art. 13. Honorary members: Those persons may be nominated who have shown themselves of merit towards the association.
Art. 14. the organs of the association are the following:
– the general assembly
– the executive Committee
The general assembly
Art. 15. The general assembly is held once a year. Extraordinary assemblies can be called for by the association’s Committee or by written request on behalf of at least a fifth of the association’s members. Members are informed by circular letter containing the planned agenda at least 10 days before the assembly’s date.
Responsibilities of the general assembly
Art. 16.
a) the appointment of the president, the committee’s members and the auditors;
b) the admission of new members;
c) the eventual expulsion of Committee members;
d) fixing the annual membership and the admission fee;
e) the modification of statutes;
f) the dissolution of the association;
g) approval of the annual reports of the president, the treasurer and the auditor(s)
Art. 17. The general assembly can take decisions, whenever half of its members are present. Should the necessary quorum of presence not be attained, the Committee shall call a second general assembly opening a quarter of an hour after its scheduled date.
Art. 18. Every decision of the assembly will be taken by absolute majority vote. In case of deadlock, the president shall have the casting vote.
Art. 19. Each member has one vote. Juridical persons have a right of vote that is exercised by an appointed person.
Art. 20. The Committee is composed of five elected members, and includes:
– a president
– a vice-president
– a secretary / a treasurer
– two members of the association
Art. 21. The Committee is the administrative organ of the association and carries out the decisions of the general assembly. The Committee is appointed by the president or by request of one of its members. It can make decisions whenever three out of five members are present.
Art. 23. The president of the association presents the annual report, the treasurer the balance sheet and the auditor the accounting report.
Art. 24. Funding of the association is guaranteed by the following:
– an annual membership fee;
– eventual grants or subsidies or extraordinary donations by members
– capital yield
Art. 25. Funding is intended to cover the association’s expenses.
Final provisions
Art. 26 The association is not responsible for accidents that happened during its intended activities.
Art. 27. The dissolution of the association can be decided on solely by a general assembly in which at least three quarters of its members are present.
Ascona, the 6th of April 2008
Igor Kojic Dragana Kojic Maltecca